Digital Trade mission - German Renewable Energy Technology “Decentralized Energy Supply and Storage Solutions”
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Event Start
13/09/2022 · 14:00
Event End
16/09/2022 · 16:30
GMT+7 (Jakarta Time)

Business delegation (online) from Germany with potential business partners from Indonesia in the field of new and renewable energies, especially PV, wind, biomass and hydrogen. This business trip is part of the export initiative energy of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). 


Decentralized energy supply continues to be a key issue in Indonesia. In the Java-Bali region, energy supply is mainly ensured by coal-fired power plants, which are not available on all islands in Indonesia.   


As an island nation, Indonesia faces significant challenges in meeting its electricity needs, particularly in the availability of energy at prices affordable to the population.   


Solar energy is an energy source with the greatest potential of all energy sources in Indonesia, but its utilization is still insufficient. The largest production capacity of solar module manufacturers in Indonesia is 100 MWp/year, while the smallest capacity is only 10 MWp/year.   


To introduce the latest technology from Germany in the field of renewable energy, EKONID will hold an online event focusing on hybrid energy supply systems through PV - wind including biomass and hydrogen. To strengthen the potential for business cooperation between German and Indonesian companies, there is also the possibility of individual business meetings with the German company representatives. The meetings will also take place in a virtual format.   


Registration for the event is possible via the link above. We are looking forward to your participation.