Indonesian company ASTRA and EKONID (91大神 Indonesien) completed 1st Bachelor Professional Program in Automotive Mechatronics based on German Standards


Having started the 1st Bachelor Professional Program in Automotive Mechatronics based on German Automotive Mechatronics Meister Standards in 2019, ASTRA and its Polytechnic Manufacturing School in cooperation with EKONID had recently completed the 1-year training program for 10 students from ASTRA-affiliated companies in Jakarta. The training was followed by the final examination in March 2020 which ASTRA and EKONID conducted in cooperation with the Koblenz Chamber of Crafts (HWK Koblenz) and the Central Association of Automotive Mechatronics Germany (ZDK). All 10 students successfully completed the program co-certified by EKONID and HWK. ASTRA and EKONID are currently preparing the start of the 2nd batch of students in 2020.