50th Annual Members Meeting 2022


On the 27th of April 2022, EKONID successfully held the 50th Annual Members Meeting (AMM) at Ayana Midplaza, Jakarta. After being postponed for over two years, the AMM is back this year in hybrid system. 80 participants were attending the event on-site, and five participants joined through Zoom platform. Various aspects were being reported during the AMM, ranging from our activities in 2019 – 2021 EKONID Annual Report, financial statement, to ongoing and future initiatives in 2022. The upcoming activities in 2022 will focus on Hydrogen, E-Mobility, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), and Supply Chain Due Diligence Management Training.   

We also announced the launch of EKONID’s two big platforms, and .  

The AMM is a great opportunity to announce our new Supervisory Board. Thus, we proudly present EKONID’s Supervisory Board for the period 2022-2024: 

  • Mr. Prijono Sugiarto - President Commissioner of PT. Astra International Tbk. 

  • Dr. Reza Poorvash - CEO Europe & Asia of thyssenkrupp Mining Technologies 

  • Mr. Goetz Kassing - President Director of PT. MAN Energy Solutions Indonesia 

  • Prof. Bambang Permadi Soemantri Brodjonegoro, S.E., M.U.P., Ph.D - President Commissioner / Independent Commissioner of PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk 

  • Mr. Holger Appler - Director and Chief Financial Officer of PT. Siemens Indonesia 

  • Mr. Choi Duk Jun - President Director of PT. Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia 


Plaques of Appreciation were given to our members who have been with us for 50, 30, 20 and 10 years. We would like to express our gratitude to our members who attended 50th Annual Members Meeting below: 

50 years membership anniversary 

  • Basf Indonesia, PT 

  • Covestro Polymers Indonesia, PT 

  • Deutsche Lufthansa Ag C/O Discover The World 

  • Jantan Setia Sakti, PT 

  • Mercedes Benz Distribution Indonesia, PT 

  • Peter Cremer Indonesia, PT 

  • Tunggal Idaman Abdi (TIA), PT 

40 years membership anniversary 

  • Siemens Indonesia, Pt 

30 years membership anniversary 

  • Robert Bosch, PT 

  • Sumi Asih, PT 

20 years membership anniversary 

  • BMW Indonesia, PT 

  • DHL Global Forwarding Indonesia 

  • Ekacitta Dian Persada, PT 

  • Evonik Indonesia, PT 

10 years membership anniversary  

  • Avip Interiors, PT 

  • Dr. Hengky Tranku C/O The Bapamco Group 

  • KAP Siddharta Widjaja & Rekan 

  • MR. Adji Sujianto C/O Babooji - Kitchen And Bar 

  • Rittal, PT 


Following the AMM, a Get-Together held by EKONID was conducted with a total of 98 participants. We would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors for supporting both of our events.  

  1. Astra International Tbk, PT
  2. Ayana Midplaza Hotel  
  3. Avenzel Hotel & Convention 
  4. Basf Indonesia, PT 
  5. Delta Djakarta Tbk., PT 
  6. Deutsche Bank AG - Jakarta Branch 
  7. Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg Representative Office Jakarta 
  8. Mercedes-Benz Distribution Indonesia, PT
  9. Merck Tbk, PT 
  10. Peter Cremer Indonesia, PT 
  11. Schaeffler Bearings Indonesia, PT
  12. Siemens Indonesia, PT

It was a great night for EKONID and we would like to thank everyone who was involved in making this event a success!  

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  • © iieEKONID