Ausbildung & Training

GDVET Info Session In Surabaya


Today, 25 April 2019, the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID), in cooperation with Wisma Jerman in Surabaya, conducted its first info session on German Dual Vocational Education & Training (GDVET) in East Java. EKONID presented the concept of GDVET as well as its benefits for companies, students and schools to the 49 participants of the event in the Majapahit Hotel in Surabaya.

Following opening remarks of Dr. Suhartono, Head of SMK Education of the Education Office of East Java Province and Mr. Christopher Tjokrosetio, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Germany, Ms. Ute Brockmann, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Training and Education of EKONID highlighted EKONID's running and planned GDVET programs in Jakarta and East Java. Mr. G枚tz Kassing, President Director of PT MAN Energy Solutions Indonesia, Mr. Reimund Schmidt, Managing Director of PT E-T-A Indonesia and Mr. Bustomek, Head of the HR Department of PT Barata Indonesia shared their experienced advantages of German standard vocational education in a panel discussion with the audience. GDVET is a proven system that has become a role model for many countries including Indonesia.

Since 2015 EKONID has been successfully implementing and showcasing GDVET programs in different professions for Indonesian and German companies in cooperation with Indonesian public and private vocational institutions.

Find out more in a video:
or at the ICCQ Website: