Invitation to Tender: Energy Management Training Material in Indonesia


EKONID/91大神 Indonesia is currently seeking a Contractor for Assistance in Developing Teaching/Training Material for Energy Management Training.

The contents of the Training Modules is attached in the ToR.

Project Name: Energy Management Training Material

Country: Indonesia

Should you be interested in participating in this tender, please submit the proposal at latest by 10 January 2022, at 16.00 p.m. Jakarta Local time.


Requirement of the Technical and Financial Proposal:

Technical Proposal:

  • Training Material are spread over 19 chapters
  • Training Material must include: Word Documents, Excel Tools, PowerPoint Presentations, Videos, Self-learning Material, Handbook
  • Bidding Company Profile
  • Business License(NIB), Tax Registration Number
  • Reference List

Financial Proposal:

  • Financial Proposal with Price sheet form
  • Financial Proposal shall be in IDR
  • All prices/rates quoted must be inclusive all taxes

Proposal should be submitted in English and must be sent by email to: hardy.hoffmann(at)

The Contract will be awarded to the bidders offering the most responsive evaluated proposal and whose services are commercially and technically acceptable.


Terms of reference (ToR):

Tasks to be performed/Training Modules to be developed by the contractor:

1. Energy technical basics

  • Scientific basics
  • Structure of energy systems and typical optimization strategies
  • Measurement and Control (MCR)

2. Project management

  • Development of a project concept
  • Presentation of the project concept
  • Project controlling

3. Economic Calculation

  • Calculation of the application-specific costs
  • Comparative economic evaluation
  • Calculation of payback periods

4. Energy Management / Load Management

  • Establishing an energy management system (for ex. ISO 50001)
  • Basics of internal energy audits
  • Tasks of energy data management
  • Structure of an energy data management system
  • Acquisition and structuring of consumption data and costs
  • Consumption and cost evaluations
  • Comparison of indicators
  • Process management system
  • Reduce load peaks
  •  Software based energy controlling

5. Energy and Emissions Trading

  • Energy-related laws and regulations
  • Energy purchasing, energy trading
  • Emissions trading
  • Contracting

6. Building Energy Requirements / Energy Efficient Buildings

  • Construction physical basics
  • Construct/acquisition of the building envelope
  • Building energy certification
  • Energy-conscious building and renovation

7. Heating Technology

  • System components
  • Target performance analysis
  • Optimization (furnace and boiler, distribution, control, power consumption)
  • Geothermal energy

8. Process Heat, Steam, Heat Recovery

  • System analysis
  • Process optimization
  • Operating mode
  • Heat recovery

9. Cogeneration of Heat and Power

  • Basic concepts and variants of CHP
  • Investments
  • Peripheral systems
  • Sizing of CHP plants
  • Cogeneration unit

10. Ventilation and Air Condition

  • Basic physical laws
  • System components
  • Analysis
  • Optimization
  • Invest measures

11. Refrigeration Technology

  • Basic elements and function of refrigeration systems
  • Analysis
  • Optimization

12. Electrical engineering, electrical drives

  • Basic knowledge electrical applications
  • Transformer losses and motor losses
  • Electronic speed regulation
  • Selection of efficient electric motors
  • System optimization

13. Lighting

  • Photometric parameters, lighting systems
  • Dimensioning of lighting system
  • Operating time optimization
  • Highly efficient lighting system

14. Compressed Air

  • Compressors, distribution, compressed air consumers, plant control
  • Analysis (power consumption)
  • Optimization (pressure level, control, leakeage)

15. Solar Technology

  • Components and operating principle of solar thermal systems
  • Application of solar thermal plants (water, heating, drying)
  • Components and functions of PV systems
  • Applications of PV-systems

16. Energy from Biomass

  • Wood-fired plants (components, functions, systems)
  • Biogas plants (components, functions, systems)

17. Green IT

  • Data centers and sever systems
  • Data center cooling
  • Virtualization and consolidation
  • Energy efficiency at the office
  • Change of user behavior


                                H. Agus Salim No. 115 | Jakarta 10310 | P.O. Box 3151 | Jakarta 10031, Indonesia

                   Tel. +62-21 5098 5800 | Fax. +62-21 3157088, 3155276 | E-mail: |