EKONID Insight

Training and Education Seminar a success


More than 100 participants attended the Training and Education and Learning Equipment Seminar held by EKONID on November 23, 2021, while over 45 follow-up meetings were organized in the subsequent days.

The training and education sector in Indonesia is a key aspects of Indonesia’s economic growth. Within its goal of becoming an industrial nation by adopting the best practices of Industry 4.0 (also known as “Making Indonesia 4.0), the government of Indonesia recognizes the need to upskill its human resources. This path was put into regulation under Minister of Industry Decree No. 1009/2021, which envisions the presence of an international level vocational education sector in Indonesia. 

In supporting this initiative, EKONID organized and conducted a Training and Education Including Learning Equipment Delegation. Held from November 22 to 26, 2021, the event was done in partnership with German education and training association and trade fair organizer Didacta, the iniative iMove and business consultancy econAN international with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). 

The event comprised of one day of seminar on November 23, followed by a series of follow up B2B meetings held in the days after. Moderated by Mr. Maulandiki Dani, Sr. Executive at EKONID’s Training and Education Department, the event was opened by Thomas Graff, Deputy Chief of Mission at the German Embassy to Indonesia, who welcomed the participants of the seminar and reiterated the importance of investing in training and education in Indonesia.  

His remarks were followed by Mrs. Martina Kollberg, a representative from the BMWi. Mrs. Kollberg said the need for skilled workers is a global issue and she expressed her institutions’ support for EKONID in implementing the German Standard Dual Educational program in Indonesia. Finally, Market Research and Development Advisor at EKONID Mr. Stephan Blocks concluded the opening remarks by expressing his hope that the seminar would go some ways to address the prevailing shortage of skilled workers and assist Indonesia in adopting industry 4.0. 

After the opening remarks, as many as 11 companies and institutions presented their programs and solutions in improving Indonesia’s training and education sector. These solutions involve the sub-sectors of digital learning, training solutions for specific industries such as shipping and automotive, as well as learning equipment for schools and universities.  

More than 45 B2B meetings were held in the following days after the seminar. According to data compiled by EKONID, interest in Indonesia for digital learning solutions were practically prevalent. This is perhaps due to the uncertainties posed by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as the rapid expansion of Indonesia’s digital economy.  

Overall, the event was a success with a clear match established between the participating German and Indonesian companies. In closing, EKONID would again like to thank the Didacta, iMove, econAN international and the BMWi for their support in this delegation, as well as the participating companies who joined the event.