Sector Briefing for Consulting and Planning Engineering Companies
09.06.2022 · 15:00
09.06.2022 · 16:00
GMT + 7 (Jakarta Time)

We are pleased to invite business associations and business leaders of the consulting and planning engineering sector to an online sector briefing to inform about GII and the support opportunity to find potential consortium partners. The sector briefing will be held on Thursday, 9 June 2022 | 10.00-11.00 (CEST) or 15.00-16.00 (WIB) | Online Meeting by Zoom


We are pleased to invite you to the Sector Briefing for Consulting and Planning Engineering Companies regarding Indonesian - German Green Infrastructure Initiative.


Indonesia's impressive socio-economic development over the past two decades has brought with it significant environmental impacts. The persistent lack of urban infrastructure results in widespread traffic congestion and excessive pressure on power grids and water supplies. The majority of the country's solid waste ends up in unsolicited landfills, where this untreated waste generates huge amounts of methane, an 82 times stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.


Given these circumstances, the launch of the Green Infrastructure Initiative (GII) was agreed as part of the Indonesian-German bilateral Governmental Negotiations in Berlin on October 1, 2019. The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) and the Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (KPPIP) were mandated to coordinate and accelerate the planning and implementation of priority infrastructure projects. The GII comprises a five-year Financial Cooperation (FC) facility of up to EUR 2.5 billion to support environmentally and/or climate-relevant infrastructure projects via subsidized and promotional loans from the German Development Bank (KfW) for investments to promote green infrastructure in Indonesia in three thematic sectors: Waste Management, Water and Wastewater Management, and Public Transport.


In this context, we are inviting business associations and business leaders of the consulting and planning engineering sector to an online sector briefing to inform about GII and the support opportunity to find potential consortium partners. The sector briefing will be held as follows:


Thursday, 09th June 2022

Time: 10:00-11:00 (CEST)/15:00-16:00 (WIB)

Online Meeting by ZOOM

Thank you and looking forward to meeting with you!