The Road to Indonesia 4.0 with ACHEMA
16.06.2022 · 09:00
16.05.2022 · 13:00
GMT + 7 (Jakarta Time)

The German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID), representative of the ACHEMA business exhibition in Indonesia, will host a conference event as part of the ACHEMA Roadshow Program in Asia on June 16, 2022 | 09.00 – 13.00 WIB  at Ayana Midplaza Hotel, Jakarta


The German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID), representative of the ACHEMA business exhibition in Indonesia, will host a conference event as part of the ACHEMA Roadshow Program in Asia on June 16, 2022. The Achema expo, which takes place every three years in Frankfurt, Germany, is the world's largest process industry exhibition for chemical technology, process engineering, and biotechnology. After lifting Covid-19 restrictions, ACHEMA will take place physically in Frankfurt from August 22 to 26, 2022, with thousands of international guests expected to attend. 

This conference event, in collaboration with the Indonesian Directorate General for National Export Development (DJEN- Indonesian Ministry of Trade), Indonesian Medical Equipment Companies and Laboratories Association (GAKESLAB), and ACHEMA, aims to present an overview of the development of Industry 4.0 in both Indonesia and Germany, with a focus on the manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors. Furthermore, the audience will be given a broader overview of this year's ACHEMA business exhibition program, as well as profiles of European company players presented by ACHEMA representatives. 


The event is intended for companies, associations, and government agencies in the following industries: 

  • Laboratory and analytical equipment 

  • Pharmacy 

  • Packaging 

  • Construction 

  • Automation technology 

  • Pumps, compressors, valves 

  • Other related industrial equipment. 


Program: https://bit.ly/agendaachema2022


Participation fee: free of charge (limited number of participants) 


Contact person: 

Olivia Noor 
