‘Women’s Weight Loss Formula’ Program with J.D. WildFlower

Discover How To Balance Your Hormones, Blood Sugar & Vibration To Lose Weight And Keep It Off

Before – 175 Pounds

After – 125 Pounds

Ladies, are you ready to kick that excess weight to the curb and finally be done with the yoyo cycle of losing weight and gaining it back?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]Did you know that your hormone levels and your blood sugar can be significantly impacting your ability to lose weight?

After 5 years of struggling to lose weight, with having many yo-yo cycles of 10 or 20 lb weight loss and then gain again. I finally figured out that being a woman had everything to do with why I had such a hard time losing weight.

I realized that female hormones and blood sugar levels are a huge factor when it comes to women trying to lose weight.

Once I finally cracked the code to my hormones and blood sugar levels, I was able to lose weight in in a matter of 6 months, I released 50 lb in my energy skyrocketed.

Over the course of those five years when I had such a hard time losing weight, I didn’t realize that many of the foods that I was eating were actually causing excessive estrogen and wonky testosterone and progesterone levels, but once I finally figured out which foods, drinks, herbs and supplements could help me with my hormonal profile, I was able to finally start losing weight.

I had also discovered that the mild hypoglycemia that I had experienced my whole life had progressed into prediabetes and I vowed to figure out a way to prevent going into full-blown diabetes without taking prescription medication.

Now I’m no stranger to weight issues, as a child I gained weight off and on, often without explanation, and spent many years overweight.

In 2002, I thought I had discovered the secret to weight loss For me which was going gluten and dairy free and I had no issues with my weight for about 12 years, until my hormone started shifting around and I gained 50 pounds rapidly.

In 2016, I all of a sudden started gaining weight. Nothing changed in my diet or my activity levels and what I didn’t know at the time was that my hormones and my blood sugar levels wee all messed up and that caused a 50 pound weight gain.

Fast forward to today, I am 50 pounds lighter at 125 pounds. How did I do it? Well after searching for answers everywhere I could think to look, including having seen eight doctors, including two endocrinologists and two integrative health doctors and many rabbit hole days scouring the internet for anything that I could get my hands on, I was still left without the answer.

I had tried a variety of vibrational and energetic techniques as well as hypnosis and shamanic healing, but nothing helped to shift the weight.

One day, I decided to take matters into my own hands, literally, and I bought a blood glucose monitor and just started tracking my blood sugar levels and low and behold, they were off! I had no idea that they were wonky. And I started to look for non-prescription solutions to control the pre-diabetic state that my body had gotten into.

After 5 years of battling the weight gain, I thought I had finally found the answer.

But turns out it was only a piece of the puzzle and that my hormones had far more to do with both the weight gain as well as the prediabetes and after many months of experimentation, I finally figured out what to do to balance my hormones and my blood sugar levels so that I could finally lose weight.

As it turns out, balancing my hormones was a greater challenge than I thought it would be. Along my journey I had realized that I was estrogen dominant even though blood level tests showed that I was estrogen deficient.

And it also turned out that I had over activity of an enzyme called aromatase and that was converting other hormones into more estrogen.

During my journey of healing my estrogen dominance with foods, drinks, herbs and supplements, I also discovered the types of nutrition and supplements that create estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Over the course of 6 months, I reduced 50 pounds and skyrocketed my energy levels.

My friends and my clients started asking for my help with their weight loss and hormones so I came up with a comprehensive framework that they could follow in order to balance their hormones and their blood sugar levels.

Just like how I didn’t know that I had a blood sugar issue, some of my friends thought that they did not have any type of blood sugar issue either, but once they started paying attention to their symptoms, they realized that they had blood sugar issues as well.

Identifying blood sugar issues is a tricky business because even if you have had blood sugar issues in the past, symptoms can change over time, which is why I created a comprehensive protocol to begin to identify if you do have blood sugar issues or not.

More and more people started to ask for my method and I created women’s weight loss formula to meet the need of women everywhere.

Whether you are a woman with a regular or irregular menstrual cycle or are in perimenopause or menopause, this program can help you identify your hormonal profile to discover what to eat and drink plus what herbs and supplements to take and what to eliminate from your diet.

Now, because every woman is different and a cookie cutter program is not going to be right for everyone, I have a comprehensive personalized program that I teach in an 8-week hybrid program that has a combination of online training modules as well as live q&A calls with a small cohort of women on the same journey to help answer your questions and help create personalized solutions just for you.

Women’s weight loss formula program is not for everyone, it is for women who are willing to put in the work necessary to learn how to get their bodies and their energy levels back.

If you are curious to see if you are a good candidate for Women’s Weight Loss Formula, book a call to chat with one of our women’s weight loss specialists to see if it is a fit for me to help you personally lose weight.

On the call, your women’s weight loss specialist will chat with you about the journey that you have had with trying to lose weight and will help you discover if you are a good candidate for my Women’s Weight Loss Formula Program.

Book your Discovery Call below.

Cheers to love, slender health, wealth and the time to enjoy it!

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JD WildFlower with New York Times Best Selling Author Liz Potter