Market Information
Interested to find out the business opportunities for your products or services in Indonesia in the fastest possible way?
Pre-market Check Report
Interested to find out the business opportunities for your products or services in Indonesia in the fastest possible way?
With the help of our experts, you don't need to travel to Indonesia just to get a first impression of the general market situation for your product. Using our long-standing experience in the Indonesian market and access to Indonesian publications, including ministry regulations, we can prepare a brief report that will help your company better understand the market.
Characteristics of the pre-market check report
Main focus in the pre-market check:
- General market overview
- Available market data based on HS codes,official statistics as well as reports from relevant associations.
- Competitor analysis
- Possible distribution channels
- Import/export regulations
- Brief conclusions
- Length of report: up to 10 pages
- Language: English
- Processing time: up to 4 weeks
Previous project topics
- Flughafenbau - Entwicklung
- Alkoholische Getr盲nke
- Automobilindustrie
- 叠盲肠办别谤别颈&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;
- Chemie
- 碍眉丑濒濒补驳别谤耻苍驳&苍产蝉辫;
- Bauwesen
- Molkerei
- Elektronik
- F&B Verpackung
- Halal
- ICT & Digitale Wirtschaft
- Infrastruktur
- Logistik und Transport
- Textil und Schuhe
- Tourismus
- Holzprodukte
- Stahlprodukte und -erzeugnisse
Individual Market Study
Are you looking for detailed market information and regulations relating to your products or services in Indonesia?
Due to the limited data availability in foreign languages, analyzing the business potential in the Indonesian market can be challenging for companies based outside Indonesia. To help your company speed up the process and keep you focused on your company's business plan, we offer individual market studies for German companies. Through intensive research ranging from personal interviews with experts, Indonesian authorities or even competitors in the relevant industries to secondary research such as official Indonesian statistics, import/export regulation and news, we can provide German companies with reliable information about the latest Indonesian market situation.
Characteristics of the market study
Main focus in the market study:
- Market overview and sector specific information
- Business potential
- Competitor analysis
- Market entry strategies
- Important contact details of relevant companies, government institutions and associations
- Relevant exhibition lists
- Length of the market study: Up to 50 pages
- Language: English
- Processing time: 8-12 weeks
Previous project topics
- Kosmetika
- Agribusiness
- Gesundheitswesen
- Schiffbau
- Abfallwirtschaft
- Energiegewinnung aus Abf盲llen
- 狈补丑谤耻苍驳蝉别谤驳盲苍锄耻苍驳蝉尘颈迟迟别濒&苍产蝉辫;&苍产蝉辫;
- Gr眉ne Technologie