The illusion of time deprivation in the 21st century. – There are no fewer hours in the day than there were 100 years ago. Rather, modern culture has been cultivated to make you think that so that you will buy more gadgets to try to save time, but, by falling into that trap, you just need to keep working harder and harder to buy more and more gadgets which ultimately won’t solve your problem of time deprivation or burnout anyway.

What you really need is a back to the basics, come home to your soul plan of action to remember the purpose of your life so that you can see the illusion of time deprivation exactly for what it is, an illusion, and grab the reigns of your own sovereignty and life back from the matrix of time deprivation and cultivate your own well-being by becoming your own alpha and refusing to give in to the 21st century rat race so that you can kick burnout to the curb and reclaim your well-being. – J.D. WildFlower

An excerpt from my forthcoming book.

Cheers, J.D. WildFlower

Founder, Holistic Success Institute / Burnout Coach / Holistic Success Coach / Celebrity Burnout Coach

Have you heard about Burnout Bootcamp? It’s my 4 Week Online Mastermind Program designed to help you kick burnout to the curb and reclaim your well-being. Book a call for a complementary Burnout Strategy Session to see if one of our programs is right for you.

Want Some Help With Reducing Burnout Symptoms and Reclaiming Your Well-Being?

Now I’m sure that you have tried all sorts of techniques to try to help you reduce stress, curtail your excessive busyness or get connected to your authentic self, and you “know” these techniques, but the real question is, are you doing them on a regular basis? So many High Achievers tend to know a lot about the techniques, but fail to have a proper framework in place to really help them cultivate and maintain their well-being while having high-powered careers.

The Mission Of Holistic Success

The experience that you have in your life is dependent upon your commitment to your well-being and in today’s fast-paced world, it requires undertaking it as a mission. Because if you’re not undertaking it as a mission, then it’s just an interest. And if it’s just an interest, when you get busy in your life, interest can get easily pushed aside, but a mission of holistic success helps you make it a priority in your life.

Today, I invite you to embark upon the journey of a lifetime. The journey of Holistic Success. Holistic Success is not a destination, but rather a meaningful lifestyle based on cultivating a deep relationship with your authentic self, which helps to fuel your passion for life so that you can pursue your goals and have room in your life for your well-being. 

Ready to grab the reigns of your life back from busyness, overwhelm and a general feeling of “bla” in your life?

Introducing the 4 Week “Burnout Bootcamp” Online Mastermind Program at Holistic Success Institute

To learn more about how we can help you reduce burnout and cultivate a greater sense of peace, flow and ease in your life, I invite you to book a free call with one of our Holistic Success Coaches to receive a complimentary Holistic Success Strategy Session. You can click here to schedule online.

There is no obligation and we provide these calls free of charge to people who are interested in seeing how we can help them kick burnout to the curb and reclaim their well-being.

Click here to schedule and make TODAY be the day that changes everything for the better for you.

Learn how to take your life back from the matrix of time deprivation and burnout by watching my free Holistic Success Masterclass at

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